lzip: Output

 2 Meaning of lzip's output
 The output of lzip looks like this:
      lzip -v foo
        foo:  6.676:1, 14.98% ratio, 85.02% saved, 450560 in, 67493 out.
      lzip -tvvv foo.lz
        foo.lz:  6.676:1, 14.98% ratio, 85.02% saved.  450560 out,  67493 in. ok
    The meaning of each field is as follows:
      The compression ratio (uncompressed_size / compressed_size), shown as
      N to 1.
      The inverse compression ratio (compressed_size / uncompressed_size),
      shown as a percentage. A decimal ratio is easily obtained by moving the
      decimal point two places to the left; 14.98% = 0.1498.
      The space saved by compression (1 - ratio), shown as a percentage.
      Size of the input data. This is the uncompressed size when
      compressing, or the compressed size when decompressing or testing.
      Note that lzip always prints the uncompressed size before the
      compressed size when compressing, decompressing, testing, or listing.
      Size of the output data. This is the compressed size when compressing,
      or the decompressed size when decompressing or testing.
    When decompressing or testing at verbosity level 4 (-vvvv), the
 dictionary size used to compress the file and the CRC32 of the uncompressed
 data are also shown.
    LANGUAGE NOTE: Uncompressed = not compressed = plain data; it may never
 have been compressed. Decompressed is used to refer to data which have
 undergone the process of decompression.